Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sankatahara chaturthi

As per;prev_next=prev#new

"SankaTahara Chathurthi" falls every month on the chavithi (fourth day) after Pournima (full moon day). "SankaTa" means trouble, "hara" means to take it off. You can fast on this day, taking head bath in the morning and not eating in the day till the evening, have thins ke drinking milk and having a fruit, and having food only in the evening after pooja after offering Naivedya to lord Ganesha. You can also have just a one time meal that day or having tiffin at night depending on your ability to fast. God never tells us to do anything that is beyond our capacity or ability. It is up to us.

You can perform this vrat for one time or making a sankalpa to do for 3 / 5 / 7 / times. It is said that number 3 is more dearer to Ganesha and hence 3, 12 or 21 are usually preferred. However, we can take a vow to do what ever number of times i.e, chaturthis we feel like doing.

In the evening, like you do for any vrat, make a mandap and place a photo of Lord Ganesha. In a small plate, separately, place another Ganesh made of Turmeric on a beetle leaf. Light diyas and agarbatti and do the shodasopachara  pooja just like we do for Vinayaka Chaturthi - dhyanam, Avahanam, Asanam.......chanting the Astothram (you can do sahasra nama pooja if you have time) breaking  a coconut and offering plantains and Naivedyam.

Offer "Kudum / Kolakattai / Modakas (rice flour cooked with a tsp of bengal gram dal and tsp of ghee and jeera each and then made into balls and steamed - there are varations in this preparation) as Naivdya. It is preferred to light diya for Lord Vinayaka using Coconut oil. You can also offer some sweets etc again this is all depending on our capacity and ability. Main thing that is required is devotion and shraddha. The next day, place the turmeric ganesha in the 'Tulasi' plant or any other flowering plant that is having green leaves. 



Sankashtahara Ganapathi Stotram



Meaning of the stotra

Naarada Uvacha
    Sri Naarada says:

praNAmya Shirasaa devam Gauri puthram vinayakam,
bhakthavasam smarennithyam aayushkamarTHa siDDHaye

    With head bowed, let me unceasingly worship in my mind the god Vinayaka, the son of Gauri, the refuge of his devotees, for the complete attainment of longevity, amorous desires and wealth.

praTHamam VakrathunDam Cha Ekadantham dvithiyam
thrutheeyam krushna pingaaksham Gajavakthram ChaturTHakam

    Firstly, as the one with the twisted trunk. Secondly, as the one with the single tusk. Thirdly, as the one with the fawn colored eyes. Fourthly, as the one with the     elephants mouth,

lamboDHaram Panchamamcha SHaSHTam VikaTameva Cha
sapthamam Vighnarajam cha DHoomravarnam thaTHashTakam

    Fifthly, as the pot-bellied one, Sixthly, as the monstrous one, Seventhly, as the king of obstacles, Eighthly, as the smoke colored one

navamam phaalachandram cha Dashamamthu Vinayakam
ekaadasham Ganapathim cha dwaadashamthu Gajananam

    Ninethly, as the moon crested one, Tenthly, as the remover of hindrances, Eleventhly, as the Lord of the hordes, Twelfthly, as the one with the elephants face.

dwadashaitaani Naamaani ThrisanDHyam Yah paTennaraha
na cha viGHna bhayamthasya sarvasiddhikaram param

    Whosoever repeats these twelve names at dawn, noon and sunset, for him there is no fear of failure, nay, there is constant good fortune.

vidyaarthee LaBHate vidyaam DHanarthi Labhate DHanam
PuthrarTHi LaBHate Puthram MoksharTHi Labhate gathim

    He who desires knowledge obtains knowledge. He who desires sons gets sons. He who desires salvation obtains the way.

JapedhGanapathi Stotram ShaDphirmasaihi PHalam LaBHeth
SamvatsareNA Siddhim Cha LaBHate naathra Samshayaha

    Whosoever mutters the hymn to Ganapati reaches his aim in six months, and in a year reaches perfection, on this point there is no doubt.

AshTaanaam BramhaNAnaam Cha Likhitwa Yah Samarpayeth
Thasya Vidya Bhavet Sarva Ganeshasya Prasadathaha

    Whosoever makes eight copies of it, and has them distributed to as many brahmans, he reaches knowledge instantaneously, by the grace of Ganesh.

Ithi Shri Narada Purane Sankashtanashanam Namashri Ganapathi
Stotram Sampoornam